Do You Remember...?

...When life was simpler, carefree and had slow paced days.

...Walks in the rain and lemonade on the porch.

For more information on juices and juicing go to http://www.juice-extractor-guide.com

...Sunday lunch at Grandma's, then playing for the rest of the afternoon.

...Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Fresh Vegetables, and, of course, Chocolate Cake or Cookies or Banana Pudding.

...Time spent chasing fireflies, watching clouds, and floating down the river in an inner tube.

...Simple childhood games of chase, hide & seek, jump rope, hopscotch, marbles, horseshoes, etc.

...Homemade kites, sling shots, bow & arrows.

...Imagination could turn a crooked stick into a gun for a game of cowboys and indians.

...Or, a broom into a bucking bronco.


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Our goal is to leave some of the rushed pace and return to less complicated times.

We hope you will join us in our pursuit of a slower paced way of life.

This website is dedicated to some old-fashioned favorites.

*Easy Recipes... (Chicken, Tuna, Chocolate, etc.)

Focuses on having fewer ingredients or fewer steps or less time than most recipes.

Some are family favorites from past generations.

Some are traditional holiday favorites.

Some are newer and easier to make than most .

*More Recipes... (Substitution Charts, Measurements, etc.)

Substitution charts for various ingredients, measurement equivalents and miscellaneous helpful hints.

Some theme based recipes are also featured.

*Games... (Chase, Cards, Checkers, etc.)

Games are the old fashioned type of fun we enjoyed as children.

Imagination was essential.

Skill was not a necessary requirement, just having fun was the main idea.

*Classic Comfort Foods... (Chicken, Cheese, Potatoes, etc.)

Classic comfort foods are the old fashioned, traditional recipes that we remember from childhood.

Fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, and other favorites.

*Activities... (Fishing, Gardening, Making Kites,)

Activities are easy, fun stuff like fishing or swimming.

Some are work related hobbies like gardening.

Some are a combination of both.

Feel free to browse through our site and return regularly for new postings and updates.

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